Author Websites WordPress
Why WordPress is Best for Author Websites
The best website designer for authors build sites in WordPress because WordPress let us build a site that search engines love.
If you build a website with a drag and drop program like Square or WIX, you will need to spend money on advertising to get found online.
Drag and drop website builders create beautiful looking sites, but if you are going to spend the time, effort, and money on a website that promotes your book, and you, a WordPress website with a good SEO infrastructure will outrank any other website platform.
And that’s why I love and use WordPress to build all my client websites.
What to Look for When Choosing a WordPress Theme
WordPress is the free software that runs your website, and makes it a WordPress website.
Themes are a collection of design elements that what give your WordPress website a distinctive look.
There are thousands of themes to choose from, but when you know what to look for, it’s easy to quickly narrow down your search and choose a great looking author website.
Here’s what I look for…
- Button in the navigation menu that links to a free offer so that authors can build their list of followers
- A place to add a 3-D image of a book cover, author photo, and a link to buy the book
- A “Buy” button above a testimonial
- Short Author Bio section
- Book Summary section
- Relevant articles section
- A second, free offer list building link free offer